June 18, 2012

Bella Fiore

So, it's been nearly a month since we went to Bella Fiore, but here's how we spent our lovely long weekend:

1.  Napping!  I love napping at festivals so I can keep my energy up.  The first full day was pretty cold and gloomy, so I didn't mind curling up on a blanket with Mark for a few hours.

2.  Hydrating!  We brought LOTS of water with.  It's no fun to have a super hot day, no water, and super long lines at the vendors, so we made sure we had extra water with and carried it around at all times.

3.  Hanging out with our camp!  We had a big, fun group, and a view of the stage from our area, so we got to hang out there quite a bit. 

The whole group:

4. Um, music!  There were three stages to see, so we were bouncing around a lot, depending on who was playing. 

Our friend brought this little toy with that provided hours of entertainment for us and passers-by.

Big Gigantic

5.  Taking in the scenery.  It's such a lovely park, so it's fun to explore, even if you've been there lots of times, like I have.  You never know when there will be a perfect sunset or fire-spinning or just a great crowd vibe!

Not pictured:  the rain storms on the first and last night.  We'll just pretend our tent didn't flood and we weren't sleeping with damp bedding all weekend.