November 28, 2011

Indoor greenery,

Well, the trees have all turned. There are quite a few in my neighborhood that are holding onto their leaves for dear life, but they'll be gone soon. I've come to terms with the fact that winter is coming.

So, to cope, I made this tree wire wrap piece. It took a few hours, and I made it on a whim this past weekend. I've seen a lot of these trees on Etsy and stuff, and I wanted one. So, I used some cheap wire and beads I already had, and I think it turned out really well! After I finished, I went back on Etsy and looked at some other versions and saw some really intense designs I'd like to try sometime when I have more energy for planning. This one was more of a relaxing project.

Another relaxing project: brewing more beer. The EPA we made a few weeks ago was ready for the keg and CO2 on Saturday, so we got supplies for the next batch and whipped that up so that by the time this one is gone, the next one will be ready. We got to drink a few beers from the first keg yesterday, and I was thrilled (and sort of surprised!) with how well it turned out. I guess I did a pretty good job pouring and stirring and stuff. Good thing I have a beer-brewing expert to guide the process. Mmmm.... hops.

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